Health & Safety Protocols

Last Update: March 1, 2024

NETC may change these stated guidelines as additional requirements and policies are published by the state and we will update if/when any changes are made.

New England Therapy Center considers the health and safety of our patients and staff to be paramount. We are currently following MA Department of Public Health Guidelines to keep our patients, families, and staff as safe as possible. More information about these guidelines and recommendations can be found here:


If you are feeling ill, please cancel your appointment. Our front office is more than happy to help you reschedule.

Stomach Bugs:

Visitors/patients must not have had instances of vomiting or diarrhea for the last 24 hours before coming into the clinic.


Visitors/patients must be fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medicine before coming into the clinic.

Pink Eye:

If it is bacterial conjunctivitis, you may come into the clinic after 24 hours of antibiotics. If it is viral conjunctivitis, then you may come in after it's run its course (typically 3-7 days)

Covid 19 and Influenza:

When people get sick with a respiratory virus, the updated guidance recommends that they stay home and away from others. For people with COVID-19 and influenza, treatment is available and can lessen symptoms and lower the risk of severe illness. The recommendations suggest returning to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall, and if a fever was present, it has been gone without use of a fever-reducing medication.


Masks are optional at this time for our patients and families.

We keep adequate supplies of PPE on hand for staff and/or clients including masks, clear masks, face shields, gloves, etc.


We have a brand new hvac unit. The unit has an economizer which regulates outside air intake and exchanges. Additionally, Merv filters are used for filtration.

New England Therapy Center has set the standard for treatment, and we are also committed to setting the standard for safety policies and procedures. These procedures have and will continue to help us reduce the spread of all forms of viruses, colds and other illnesses. We are continually committed to the safety of our patients, families, and our staff.

Thank you for helping in this effort!